- Weight: 24 grams
- Dimensions: 47 mm x 63 mm x 10.6 mm
- Cable length: 40 cm
- Device: PA12 plastic, nickel-plated brass stud
- Cable: medical grade PVC plastic, nickel-plate brass stud
- Color: White
Battery and Storage:
- Battery life with one charge: approximately 144 hours (6 days) in a continuous 24/7 measurement with default settings
- Battery: rechargeable Li-Poly battery
- Charge time: approximately 30 - 90 minutes depending on the pre-charge
- Storage capacity: 128MB, approximately 480 hours (20 days) with default settings
Battery and storage capacity can be checked with the device configuration tool found in compatible Firstbeat software products. Memory can be cleared and the internal clock set with the configuration tool as well.
Ensure the success of your measurements by making sure your Bodyguard 2 devices are fully charged before monitoring. Long-term storage of the device shortens the measurement and standby time and may shorten the battery capacity or cause it damage.
To keep the battery in good condition and to ensure successful measurements, we recommend you fully charge the battery before storing it, and every three months.
Find charging instructions here.
Default settings
- Accelerometer: on
- Sampling frequency: 12.5 Hz
- Resolution: 8 bit
- G-scale: 4G
- Night mode: on
- Start time: 22:00
- End time: 06:00
- Alerts: on
- Battery charge alert: 10 %
- Free storage alert: 10 %
- LED brightness:
- During normal mode: 60%
- During night mode: 10 %
Default settings can be checked and changed with the device configuration tool found in compatible Firstbeat software products. It's not recommended to change the default settings as it might affect the uploading of the measurement data.
Measurement accuracy
- Measurement accuracy for heartbeat recording: 1 ms (1000 Hz)
- Measurement accuracy for movement (accelerometer):
- Sampling frequencies: 200Hz, 100 Hz, 50Hz, 12.5 Hz, 6.25 Hz, 1.56 Hz
- Resolutions: 8 Bit, 14 bit
- G-scales: 2G, 4G, 8G
Other details
- IP classes:
- IP52 with the cable connected
- IP20 without the cable
- Measurement temperature: +5 - +50 C°
- Storage temperature: -20 - +60 C°
- Data upload directly to Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment service and to the Sports via the Uploader Plugin tool.
- Data uploading and battery charging is done via the USB port, without additional cables
- CE-Standards:
- Product is CE marked and complies with the requirements of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Legislation: Directive 2004/108/EC.
- FCC-Standards:
- Product is tested and complies with the FCC technical standards for digital devices: Class B digital device, FCC Part 15.
- The Product produces, operates and may generate electromagnetic radiation that may cause a disruption on radio communication. Disruption free use can not be guaranteed. In case the Product causes disruption on any other devices, the problem may be remediable by relocating the Product. Contact Firstbeat Ltd in case continuous problems noticed. Conditions for the use: (1) Product can not cause detrimental or harmful disruptions (2) Product must process and accept also all of the received disruptions, also the ones that may cause the Product malfunction. Product is FCC certificated. WARNING RELATING TO FCC CERTIFICATION: Any alterations or modifications of any kind of the Product, and not explicitly accepted by the Firstbeat Ltd, may invalidate the right to use the Product in accordance with the FCC certification.
Additional information about the accelerometer
Accelerometer provides measurement data for 3 dimensions (X, Y, Z). When device is attached to a person to correct position, the dimensions are as follows:
- Dimension X measures acceleration right and left. Right decreases (-), left increases (+).
- Dimension Y measures acceleration up and down. Up decreases (-), down increases (+).
- Dimension Z measures acceleration forward and backward. Forward decreases (-), backward increases (+).
About accelerometer data:
Sampling frequency 12,5Hz means 12,5 samples per second for each dimension. So the accelerometer provides three values 12,5 times per second. The G-scale defines the maximal acceleration that is measured. In default mode, if any of the accelerometer dimensions recognizes acceleration of 4G or more, it gives maximal positive or negative value. For instance, if the device would accelerate directly upwards in acceleration of 4Gs (or more), the Y-dimension would give maximal negative value and if it goes downwards, it gives maximal positive value.
Sample size defines the resolution of each sample. In practice it defines the maximal values each dimension can provide. The 8-bit resolution can provide 2^8 (=256) values, which means that maximal negative value is -128 and maximal positive value is +128. The 14-bit provides more accurate resolution, 2^14 (=16284) values having the range of -8192 - +8192. So, with default settings 4G acceleration would provide value -128 or 128 depending on the direction. With 14-bit setting 4G acceleration would provide either -8192 or +8192.
Before use
- Charge the device battery. Battery is charged in a USB port.
- Adjust the device settings: set the clock and clear the memory
Signal light explanations
There are three different light colors in the Bodyguard 2 device: red, orange and green.
Lights during the measurement:
Green light is flashing in sync with heart rate. | Device is measuring and recording data normally. |
Green light is burning continuously. | Device searches for the heart rate. If the device does not start to measure within the next 10 minutes, it did not find the heart rate signal. Try these instructions. If the instructions don't help the device might be malfunctioning. |
Green and orange light is flashing in sync with heart rate. | Device battery is low but the device is still recording. If your measurement has just started, try these instructions. |
Red light is flashing in sync with heart rate or it is burning continuously. | Device battery is empty or the memory is full. The device is no longer recording. Disconnect the device and charge the battery and/or empty the device memory. |
Green, orange and red light are flashing rapidly in turns or they are all burning continuously. | Device is malfunctioning and is no longer recording. End your measurement. The malfunction might be reset by letting the device battery run completely empty causing all the light to turn off. After this recharge the battery to full strength. If the malfunction is not reset, fill in a report for a faulty device. |
Lights while connected to computer USB port:
Orange light is flashing in approximately 1 second intervals. | Device battery is charging normally. |
Orange light is burning continuously. | Device battery has been charged to full strength. |
Green light is burning continuously. | Computer has found the device and it is in communication with the computer. |
Green light is flashing rapidly. | Computer is reading data from the device. This happens when device settings are being saved or when the measurements are being uploaded to the service. |
Red light is burning continuously. | The device is malfunctioning. The computer is not able to find the device and connect with it. Try unplugging the device from the USB port. If the red light turns off, connect it again. The malfunction can also be reset by letting the device battery run completely empty causing all the lights to turn off. After this recharge the battery to full strength. If the malfunction is not reset, fill in a report for a faulty device. |
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