The Lap Management tool can be used to analyze selected time periods within a session (e.g. specific drills/game replication). You can select which athletes are included and see lap analysis results in sortable ranking lists. Name your laps to differentiate them or use the same name for similar laps in different sessions for long-term comparison via the Data Export tool.
Highlight desired time period in the chart to open lap tools
With lap tools, you can adjust the current selection, zoom in and out and create a new lap for the selected time period. Pressing the Deselect button closes the lap tools.
Tip: Select an individual athlete’s heart rate chart from the ranking list to see exactly how an individual has responded to the selected time period and to confirm the lap time parameters selected are what you intended.
Add new lap
When selecting Add New Lap, check the lap time period is correct, name the lap and select the athletes you want to be included in the lap. Name your laps to differentiate them from one another or use the same name for similar laps in different sessions for long-term comparison via the Data Export tool. If you use the same lap name multiple times in the same training session the laps will be numbered automatically based on their chronological order within the session.
Lap analysis results
After you have saved the lap, a lap marker will be visible under the heart rate chart and a lap row will appear on the ranking list (shown in the above image). The ranking list will show you the results from the analyzed lap. You can also edit the created lap. To do so, click the gear icon in the lap row or select the lap from the relevant lap marker under the heart rate chart.
Data Export from created laps
With the Data Export tool, you can export lap analysis results from multiple sessions/measurements into one Excel sheet. Select the lap name to filter which sessions/measurements you want to export. When lap filter is used, the selected laps are automatically included to export, so you do not need to go to advanced settings to select laps separately. In the Excel file, you can compare similar laps over time and do your own analysis from the lap data.
Video instructions
If you need any further assistance, you can contact Firstbeat Support.
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